Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bogged Down

In my spare time, which really is limited to just before bed and the time I sneak in the bathroom by myself, I've been reading Terry Brook's Sword of Shannara trilogy at the urging of my husband. I can now fully appreciate why it took him 3+ years to finish the damn thing. And I read much faster than he does.

I am so bogged down in this book, it just has not grabbed my attention. Jason promises it gets better and I'm almost finished with the first book, so I remain hopeful. It also reads much like Lord of the Rings and I'm finding it annoying to see the similarities.

But I'll persevere. I've only not finished a book a handful of times and I'm going to give this one my best effort.


Anonymous said...

and I thought men were the only ones who read while in the shitter! ;)

~Denise~ said...

That's where I do a lot of my reading. I hide out in there sometimes. ;)