Monday, June 15, 2009

Relief & Pride

Ariana started summer camp today. With baited breath I awaited this day, not sure of her attitude and what it would bring as the day came. We talked about it in a positive manner, but knowing how she reacts to new things I just wasn't sure. But she was a rock star, she didn't say she was scared until we were walking into the building. No fear last night or this morning at home. I'm so proud of her, and was so filled with relief I felt sort of guilty. She had a blast at her first day and cannot wait to go back again tomorrow.

This child continues to amaze me. And confound me. But for all the lows, the highs are so darn high and fantastic. And she's mine. I love her even when I'm thinking I could sell her.


mumma boo said...

They are confounding little beings, aren't they? :) Glad that she had so much fun and is excited to continue. That's more than half the battle!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Glad to hear she (and you) did well! :)