Friday, April 16, 2010

Somethings Brewing

We got back some preliminary tests on Aand now have to see the GI doc as something came back abnormal on her celiac panel. She has a few minor food allergies, but it doesn't sound like they are anything serious we have to worry about her eating. She will be having neuro-psych testing done next week too.

Somethings brewing, I can feel it. I just don't know what. And honestly, it feels scary and overwhelming not knowing what the near future holds for her, and us.


lizo12 said...

I'm thinking about you and the fam. Giving you some virtual hugs.

Dawn said...

ooh, that's tough. Just try & hang in there, you're doing what needs to be done & waiting is the worst.

Lisa said...

I was just thinking about Arianna's tests when I was at the health food store picking up potato millet bread and non-dairy "butter" for Luke because of his food issues. Let us know how things turn out. I've done a lot of research on gluten and other food allergies the past 6 months and could give you some pointers of foods Luke seems to like. We'll be thinking about you.

mumma boo said...

Hey Denise, just got caught up on your blog. Sorry to hear that things are a bit rocky right now. Sending good wishes and prayers that things even out soon.