Saturday, September 6, 2008

Into the Groove

I have lost my blogging groove. I'm hoping to get back to it soon. I miss it, I really do. But I just don't have anything funny or good to share. Any burning questions I can answer?


Alice said...

No burning question here ... but your title got me singing Madonna's "get into the groove" (boy you've gotta move ... la la la)


A lot.

Anonymous said...

Totally started thinking about that song too!

I've found when I get at a loss, either post more pics, which we all love to see, or I like finding some online goofy pic of the day, maybe a "drink or food of the day", something you're craving, or
OH! How about what are the kids thinking of being for Halloween? The boys just told me they HAVE to be Power Rangers.

Or, what the heck? Take time off until something strikes you as blogworthy.