Friday, February 8, 2008


How do you feel about conversation? Do you think it's taken a decline in recent years? I caught a bit of Oprah last week where they were discussing conversation and that it's become lost. I do agree somewhat. With the technology age and the wrath of email...I know I usually will email versus actually calling someone.

There was a woman on the show who came to the conclusion she was a "one upper." She always had to top what the other person said, or have a worse situation. This is something I've learned about over the last few years with working as an advocate. I ask myself the question, "Why am I talking?" Am I asking or commenting because I have something to add or truly am curious about the other person? The biggest thing I discovered about myself and then in listening to others is this. I sometimes am so busy thinking of what I'm going to reply with that I don't focus and listen to the person who is speaking. I hear this over and over when listening to conversations. Being more concerned about themselves rather than truly listening.

To me, listening is an art form. It's something I am working to become better at as there is always room for improvement. To me, knowing that someone is truly listening to you is a gift from that person. And I want to give that gift to others.

Just my little tidbit for the day.

1 comment:

Aunt Becky said...

I agree, listening and knowing your audience are two very important relationship skills. When I trained to be a nurse, we learned to just shut up and listen to people, even if we were uncomfortable with what they were saying. It's helped me out a lot in life.