Saturday, December 29, 2007


Preeclampsia claims another life.

Kalamazoo Gazette

Tuscon family

These are two news stories where both moms died while giving birth to triplets. There had been word that the Tuscon woman died from preeclampsia, but no mention in this particular link.

When will it stop? My heart is just aching for these families.

These women are the reason I continue to support the fight against preeclampsia. Until the day comes that no woman has to worry about developing this horrible condition, I will remain involved. The day that my daughter doesn't have to worry about it if and when she chooses to have babies of her own.

Preeclampsia robs you of so many things. The naivety of the wonders of pregnancy, the oh-so-happy endings, the fearlessness of choosing to have another child, I could go on and on.


kate hopper said...

So, so sad.

Amy said...

It breaks my heart every time I hear about another woman who's life has been torn apart by preeclampsia. It just isn't fair...hence the reason I too continue to support the fight against preeclampsia.