I admit it. My kids watch entirely way too much television. At least in the morning, it's mostly PBS. But still. Way too much TV.
Here's the reason this has become very apparent to us today. We are getting ready to color eggs when Jason says he is craving Subway. Before I can even open my mouth to reply, Ariana pops in with "Eat Fresh!" WHAT?
Oh, yeah, I've started sneaking N some Barney (as horrible as Barney is, but the kid LOVES it) in the morning, but to keep DH from discovering my sins, I told N I didn't know his (Barney's) name and that he was an elephant. The other night during dinner, N looks at me and says, "BJ said Barney's a DINOSAUR, Mama, NOT an elephant." I know who not to mess with!
And, hey, at least Ariana's quoting Subway as opposed to Viagra, right? :)
LOL..or if we see an hourglass on tv or anywhere Hunter chimes in with "like sands through the hourglass..so are the days of our lives." LMAO!
Nice. I get accosted to buy this Swivel Sweeper thing that Ben is CONVINCED will make my life better.
I hear you! I know way too much about Spongebob, and G has also hollered out "EAT FRESH" when we drive past a Subway.
It's a necessary evil, that TV...
Although...I hate to say, DH loves it when we flip on Dora for a little "mommy-daddy time" ;)
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