Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lab update

My 24hr urine came back and I guess things are okay. I spoke with the nurse yesterday and she said called the OB in surgery to go over my results and when she first looked at them she was concerned. I get the feeling he doesn't want to worry me as the nurse told me, "He says to let you know you are not preeclamptic." There was creatine showing when I asked if there was protein, and basically avoided my question. She asked how far along I was (32 weeks) and when I said I’m still optimistic that I can make it another 4-6 weeks, her reply was "I'm not so sure about that 6 weeks." My bp has been okay at home, and I'm showing trace on the morning dips. I am still having minor hand and facial swelling, but nothing huge at this point.

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